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Aerial Takeoff
How to view, edit, and share your automated property measurement on Automeasure!
How to view, edit, and share your automated property measurement on Automeasure!

How to view, edit, and share your automated property measurement on Automeasure!

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Viewing Your Completed Takeoff
Notification: After your takeoff is generated, Attentive AI will send you an email notification. This email will contain all the export types embedded within it.
Access Your Takeoff: Log into Attentive AI, navigate to the "Properties" section, and click on "Measurements".
Select Your Takeoff: From the measurements section, select the completed takeoff to view all your measurements.
Editing Your Takeoff
Enable Editing Mode: On the left-hand panel, you can set a property name for easier identification. To edit your takeoff, click on "Enable Editing". The editing toolbar will appear at the top.
Edit Your Takeoff: Use the editing tools provided in the toolbar to make any necessary adjustments to your takeoff.
Exporting Your Takeoff
Export Options: You can export your takeoff in various formats, such as a shared link, PDF, Excel, and JPEG.
Raising a Ticket for Issues
Reporting Issues: If you're not satisfied with the takeoff, you can raise a ticket for corrections. Select the issue from the dropdown menu, add a description for clarity, and choose "Others" for issues not listed. Attach screenshots of missed areas if needed.
Sharing and Duplicating Your Takeoff
Sharing Your Takeoff: To share editing access with a team member, click on "Share Takeoff", enter their email address, and click "Share".
Duplicating Your Takeoff: If you need a duplicate of your takeoff, click on "Duplicate" and confirm. Remember to change the property name for distinction.
Adjusting Lot Boundaries
Editing Lot Boundaries: If you missed adding an area within the lot boundary, click on "Edit", adjust the boundary to include the missed area, and click "Resubmit". Decide whether to preserve your edits, select the takeoff type or optional property features, and read the disclaimer before submitting. Add any other instructions if necessary.
Final Thoughts
Attentive AI simplifies the process of measuring properties, making it easy to view, edit, share, and adjust your automated property measurements.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your property measurements with Automeasure, ensuring that your takeoffs are accurate, comprehensive, and easily accessible to your team.