April 24, 2023
min read

Increasing Profit Margins Of Your Commercial Landscaping Business- 6 To-Do’s

Business Management
Increasing Profit Margins Of Your Commercial Landscaping Business- 6 To-Do’s
Increasing Profit Margins Of Your Commercial Landscaping Business- 6 To-Do’s

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Running a successful commercial landscaping business is more than just mowing lawns and planting trees. To truly thrive in this competitive industry, it's crucial to keep an eye on your profit margins. Profit margins are the lifeblood of any business, and commercial landscaping is no exception. If you're looking for ways to boost your bottom line and increase profitability, this blog post is for you. 

The ideal profit margin for a commercial landscape company can vary depending on various factors like the size of the business, the type of services offered, and the local market. Generally, a profit margin of 10-20% is considered reasonable for a landscape company.

However, it is important to note that profit margin alone should not be the sole focus, and factors like customer satisfaction, quality of work, and employee compensation should also be taken into consideration.

In this blog, we'll share six actionable to-do's that can help you increase your profit margins and take your commercial landscaping business to the next level. From optimizing your pricing strategy to streamlining your operations, these tips are proven to deliver results. So if you're ready to stop spinning your wheels and start seeing real growth and profitability, keep reading!

But first, let us look at the several factors that directly impact the profit margins of a commercial landscaping business. 

What Affects Your Landscaping Business’s Profit Margins?

Your profit margins are influenced by various external factors, including those currently facing the green industry.

  • Labor costs
  • Material and equipment expenses
  • Weather conditions and seasonality
  • Competition
  • Supply chain disruptions

Labor Costs

A person pumping up money- synonymous of rising labor costs.

Labor costs are a significant factor that can impact your commercial landscaping business’s profit margins. With the current labor shortage facing the industry, many businesses are having to pay higher wages to attract and retain qualified employees. Additionally, the cost of healthcare and workers' compensation insurance can further increase labor costs.

Material and Equipment Expenses

Inflation is an external factor that can significantly impact the cost of doing business for a commercial landscaping business. Inflation can increase the cost of materials, labor, and equipment, reducing profit margins. And, with gas prices on the rise, your fuel and equipment expenses shoot up consequently.

The cost of materials, such as plants, soil, and fertilizers, can significantly impact a commercial landscaping business's profitability. The price of these materials can be influenced by inflation and supply chain disruptions, which have been prevalent in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides, commercial landscaping businesses require a wide range of equipment to perform their services effectively, and the cost of purchasing and maintaining this equipment can impact profitability. Additionally, fuel prices can further increase equipment expenses, especially with recent hikes in gas prices.

Weather Conditions and Seasonality 

Weather conditions can impact the profitability of a commercial landscaping business by affecting the demand for services. For instance, periods of drought can reduce the demand for lawn maintenance services, while periods of heavy rainfall can increase the demand for services such as drainage and irrigation system installation.

Here's an overview of Texas landscapers on how they typically dealt with record drought.

Similarly, the seasonality of the industry impacts profitability. With landscaping services being more in demand during the spring and summer months, businesses must generate enough revenue during these periods to sustain themselves throughout the year.


Increased competition in the market can lead to price wars, reduced profit margins, and a need for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors through quality and service.

Supply Chain Disruptions Can Lead To Dipped Profit Margins

As mentioned earlier, supply chain disruptions can increase the cost of materials, impacting profitability. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant supply chain disruptions, with some materials becoming scarce or more expensive.

The pressing challenges facing the green industry are all factors that can impact the profitability of a commercial landscaping business. These challenges have made it essential for businesses to develop strategic approaches to pricing, equipment investments, and supply chain management to maintain profitability. Ultimately, commercial landscaping businesses that can adapt to these challenges while delivering high-quality services that meet customer needs will be the most successful in the long run.

Improving your profit margins - How to’s

In this blog post, we'll explore six to-do's for increasing the profit margins of your commercial landscaping business.

Streamline Your Operations

Streamlining your operations can help you reduce your labor costs and increase your productivity, ultimately boosting your profitability. To start, you should evaluate your workflows and identify any areas where you can make improvements. For instance, you might consider using business management software to monitor your team's productivity or automating your billing and invoicing processes. 

By streamlining your operations, you can reduce your expenses and improve your services, which can help you attract new clients and retain existing ones. These are some outputs you can expect:

Increased efficiency

When you streamline your operations, you eliminate unnecessary steps and optimize your workflows, which can save you time and resources. This means you can complete more jobs in less time, with fewer resources, which can increase your overall efficiency and productivity. 

For instance, sitemaps can help you reduce your labor costs and hours. Here’s how:

Enhanced visualization

HD sitemaps allow ops teams to view the landscape with a level of detail that is not possible with traditional maps. Ops managers and crew leaders can use site intelligence apps to document site conditions by adding real-time notes on HD sitemaps that your entire crew can access. 

The crew can then easily locate and identify specific areas that need attention, such as damaged plants or uneven terrain. This way, ops managers can make their crew instructions more effective with geo-tagged notes and details showing what to avoid or focus on. This enhanced visualization can save time, resources, and effort devoted to the crew.

Since the crew has better clarity on what they have to do they can also avoid unnecessary travel time or backtracking, reducing the amount of time and energy required to complete their tasks.

By optimizing crew operations, you can help reduce the need for overtime. Overtime can be expensive and can quickly add up, especially if it's a regular occurrence. By planning your work more effectively and ensuring that your crew can complete their tasks within their scheduled hours, you can reduce the need for overtime and save on labor costs.

Clear Communication

Interactive sitemaps provide a platform for clear communication among crew members. Crew leaders can use the map to assign tasks, share notes, and update progress in real-time. This can help avoid miscommunication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Capturing site images also helps businesses avoid those pesky lawsuits. 

Efficient resource allocation

Detailed sitemaps can help ops managers allocate resources more efficiently. For example, they can use the map to identify areas that require more water, fertilizer, or pruning. This can help prevent the overuse of resources in areas that don't need them and save time by avoiding unnecessary work.

Hence, you allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that your crew has enough equipment, supplies, and personnel to complete the work on time and within budget. By ensuring that you have the right personnel, equipment, and supplies for each job, you can avoid wasting resources and increase the efficiency of your crew.

Quick problem resolution

With an interactive sitemap, ops managers can quickly instruct crew members to resolve problems as and when they arise. For example, if the account manager notices a broken irrigation line, they can quickly pinpoint the location on the map and notify the appropriate team member to fix it. This can help prevent problems from escalating and save time by resolving issues quickly.

Increased Safety

A detailed sitemap can help crews identify potential hazards, such as uneven terrain or hidden obstacles before they start working. This can help prevent accidents and injuries, which can be especially important when working at reduced hours where there may be less daylight or visibility.

Overall, detailed, interactive, and HD sitemaps can help landscaping crews work more efficiently in reduced hours by enabling them to better plan their work, navigate the property, communicate with each other, and work safely. This can help them complete their tasks faster and more effectively, allowing them to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

Reduced costs

You can identify areas where you are overspending or wasting resources. By ensuring that your crew is working efficiently and effectively, you can get more done in less time, which can translate into lower labor costs.

This could be anything from inefficient scheduling practices to redundant equipment. By eliminating these inefficiencies, you can reduce your costs, which can increase your profit margins.

Improved customer satisfaction

Streamlining your operations can help you deliver better-quality services to your clients. For example, by optimizing your scheduling practices, you can ensure that you always have the resources and personnel you need to complete jobs on time and to the highest standard. This can improve your reputation and help you retain your clients, which can increase your profitability in the long run.

Better data management

You can also improve your data management practices. This means you can collect and analyze data more efficiently, which can help you make better-informed decisions about how to grow your business. For example, by analyzing data on your most profitable jobs, you can identify areas where you should focus your marketing efforts or make strategic investments, which can help you increase your profit margins.

Overall, streamlining your landscaping business's operations can help you improve your efficiency, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, stay competitive, and better manage your finances, all of which can help you boost your profit margins.

Review Your Pricing Plan To Improve Your Profit Margins

One of the most important factors that affect the profitability of your commercial landscaping business is your pricing strategy. It's essential to develop a pricing plan that accounts for your expenses, including labor, materials, and overhead costs, while also taking into account the market rates in your area. 

You should research your competition and evaluate their pricing to ensure that your rates are competitive. Additionally, consider offering bundled services or creating seasonal pricing plans to encourage customers to choose your services over those of your competitors.

Focus on Upselling and Cross-Selling

Upselling and cross-selling are effective strategies for increasing your profits and maximizing the value of each customer. For instance, if you're installing a new landscape design for a client, you might suggest additional services, such as irrigation system installation or tree removal, that would complement their project. 

Additionally, if you have a client who hires you for regular lawn maintenance, you might recommend additional services, such as mulching or fertilization, to improve the health and appearance of their landscape. Upselling and cross-selling can increase your revenue per client while also strengthening your relationship with your customers.

You can also incentivize your crew members to identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities when in the field. 

Invest in Efficient Equipment

Investing in efficient equipment can help you reduce your costs and increase your productivity, ultimately boosting your profitability. Modern equipment, such as electric mowers and trimmers, are designed to use less fuel and require fewer maintenance and repair costs.

Additionally, equipment with ergonomic designs can help reduce the risk of work-related injuries, which can be a significant expense for commercial landscaping businesses. By investing in efficient and ergonomic equipment, you can lower your expenses while also improving the quality and efficiency of your services.

Develop Strong Relationships with Suppliers

Developing strong relationships with your suppliers can help you secure the best prices for your materials, which can have a significant impact on your profit margins. 

Maintaining a good relationship with your suppliers can also help you obtain priority access to high-demand products and negotiate better payment terms. Additionally, by building a rapport with your suppliers, you may be able to obtain discounts on your purchases, which can help you reduce your expenses and increase your profits.

Focus on Customer Satisfaction- Boost Profit Margins

Ultimately, the success of your commercial landscaping business depends on your ability to deliver high-quality services and meet the needs of your customers. Focusing on customer satisfaction can help you build a loyal customer base and increase your revenue through referrals and repeat business. 

To improve customer satisfaction, you should communicate clearly with your clients, respond promptly to their inquiries and concerns, and deliver high-quality services that exceed their expectations. You can also consider offering incentives, such as referral discounts or loyalty programs, to encourage your clients to refer their friends and family to your business.

Additional Read: Converting a small business into one of the biggest outdoor services companies – with Joshua Steven Gámez

Get repeat customers

Firstly, satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers. When customers are happy with the services provided by a landscaping business, they are more likely to continue using their services in the future. This means that the business can rely on a steady stream of revenue from existing customers, rather than constantly having to seek out new customers. 

Additionally, retaining existing customers are often less costly than acquiring new ones since the business does not have to spend as much on marketing and advertising to maintain its loyalty.

Generate new business opportunities

Secondly, satisfied customers are more likely to refer new businesses to the landscaping company. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing, and it can help a business attract new customers at a lower cost. When satisfied customers recommend a business to their friends, family, or colleagues, it can lead to new business opportunities and increased revenue for the landscaping company.

Gather reviews and ratings

Thirdly, satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and ratings online, which can help attract new customers. In today's digital age, online reviews and ratings are an important factor in consumers' decision-making processes. A landscaping company with a strong online reputation can attract more customers and generate more revenue than a business with poor reviews.

In summary, enhanced customer satisfaction is crucial to a commercial landscaping business's profit margins because it can lead to more repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews. Retaining existing customers is often less costly than acquiring new ones, so building a loyal customer base can help a business reduce its marketing and advertising costs. Furthermore, satisfied customers can act as brand ambassadors, promoting the business to new customers and helping to generate more revenue.

Summing up your guide to boosting profit margins

In conclusion, increasing the profit margins of your commercial landscaping business requires a strategic approach that incorporates several different factors. 

In conclusion, increasing profit margins is crucial for any commercial landscaping business to thrive and remain competitive in a challenging market. By taking into account the external factors that influence profit margins, such as labor costs, material expenses, weather conditions, competition, and supply chain disruptions, business owners can take proactive steps to improve their bottom line. 

Implementing the six strategies discussed in this piece, including reviewing pricing plans, upselling and cross-selling, investing in efficient equipment, developing strong supplier relationships, streamlining operations, and focusing on customer satisfaction, can help commercial landscapers achieve their profitability goals. With a commitment to continuously improving their business practices, commercial landscapers can build a thriving business and stand out in a crowded marketplace.


What is a good profit margin for a landscape company?

The ideal profit margin for a landscape company differs depending on various factors like the size of the business, the type of services offered, and the local market. Generally, a profit margin of 10-20% is considered reasonable for a landscape company. However, factors like customer satisfaction, quality of work, and employee compensation should also be taken into consideration.

What is the best business structure for landscaping?

The best business structure for landscaping depends on your goals and situation. You can choose between a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. Consult with a business lawyer or accountant to determine the best structure for your landscaping business.

Is a 6% profit margin good?

A 6% profit margin for a commercial landscaping business is considered low. To improve profitability, focus on these factors:

  • Assess pricing strategy and adjust as needed
  • Look for cost-cutting opportunities without sacrificing quality
  • Focus on streamlining operations and workflow
  • Consider expanding services or targeting new markets
  • Review financials regularly to track progress and identify areas for improvement.