July 12, 2021
min read

Dwindling Water Availability: How it Affects Your Landscaping Business

Dwindling Water Availability: How it Affects Your Landscaping Business
Dwindling Water Availability: How it Affects Your Landscaping Business

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Water is one of the most important resources for any landscaping business. You need it every step of the way to maintain a lush and beautiful landscape. This is why dwindling water availability across the country could be a huge threat for landscaping businesses. Combined with erratic weather, rising temperatures, and dry seasons, it could be a recipe for disaster!

As per this NBC report, the drought in the Western US is not a temporary problem. The report highlights how in the Western US, 72 % of the region is in “severe” drought, 26 % is in exceptional drought, and population is booming’.

So, it’s important to understand how dwindling water availability can adversely affect your landscaping business and what you can do about it.

How does water scarcity impact your landscaping business?

Dwindling Water Availability: How it affects your landscaping business

Water scarcity may lead to higher water costs in your area and rationing of water usage. In such a situation, your landscaping company may not find a spot on the list if it comes down to priority-based rationing. Businesses can face conflicts from local communities and even official regulations which are meant to protect water resources.

What does this mean?

  • Increased cost to procure water
  • Slowing down of operations due to water shortage
  • Difficulty in finding sources of alternate water supply

Most importantly, water shortage can lead to a major reputation damage for your landscaping company. If you are not able to deliver top-class service due to water scarcity, your customers will be left dissatisfied. You lose customers and your company brand gets diluted.

What Can Your Landscaping Company Do to Find a Solution?

Simply put - start using water judiciously. Start with adopting techniques that make you less reliant on water as a resource. You must aim to become a sustainable business in the long run with as little water requirement as possible.

Here are a few strategies you can use to become less reliant on water -

  • Opt for Xeriscaping

Xeriscaping is a simple technique that is used with the aim of reducing water requirements. It basically means that you use plants that need little water and minimal maintenance.

You don’t have to compromise on your landscape design though. Including drought-tolerant plant species and clever placement of rocks can minimize the water requirement without compromising on aesthetics.

  • Adopt Smart Irrigation Techniques
Dwindling Water Availability: How it affects your landscaping business

You can explore various smart irrigation techniques which are specifically designed to reduce water requirements for landscaping. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Drip irrigation is a system wherein you irrigate the land at a very slow pace and directly at the roots. This will minimize evaporation and reduce your water requirement for irrigation.
  2. Hydro-zoning is another technique where you simply group those plants together which have similar water requirements. So, you will never end up over or under-watering.
  3. Using weather-based smart controllers can ensure you require less water for your landscaping business. These smart controllers automatically reduce the watering when the weather is rainy or cold. This way you will ensure there is no water wasted due to overwatering.
  • Opt for Artificial Alternatives & More Hardscape Elements

You can include artificial options in the landscape plan wherever possible. This would reduce the water requirement to a large extent. For example, your company can explore grass alternatives, like artificial turf to minimize water requirements.

Similarly, including more hardscape elements in your landscape design can substantially reduce the water requirement. For example, the placement of dry creek beds, rocks & boulders can enhance the visual appeal and minimize water requirement. The key is to reduce water usage without compromising on the aesthetic appeal!

  • If you want detailed advice - hire a water management expert!

Landscape Industry Certified professionals can implement best practices, and apply up-to-date methods to the way you manage your landscapes. As they have a deep knowledge about water-friendly landscaping, they might be able to guide you into becoming a sustainable company. A lot of landscape companies have hired water management specialists to educate them in sustainable landscape practices. Time to google such professionals in your area.