August 20, 2021
min read

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping or Lawn care Company

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping or Lawn care Company
How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping or Lawn care Company

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In today’s digital era, if your company doesn’t have an online presence, it is as good as being non-existent. With the whole world on the internet, it is time to put your landscaping or lawn-care company on the map.

93% of business purchase decisions start with an online search, while 97% of consumers go online to find a local business or local services.

Building an online presence for your landscaping company is a crucial tool to build credibility for your business. With numerous benefits, social media is one of the easiest and cost-effective methods to stay in touch with your existing clients. Having a great website and social media presence can help generate new leads and target potential clients as well. You are simply one click away from all your potential customers.  

As a business, you should be accessible to your customers where they spend most of their time. Online marketing allows you to be everywhere your customers look.

All important information about your landscaping company— the address, contact information, links to social media channels, information on your past work, current clients, etc. can be easily made accessible for your customers.

How to Set up Your Landscaping Company's Online Presence?

It’s fairly simple. All you need to set up an online presence is a laptop and a good internet connection. Once you have that, follow this 5-step guide to build a strong online presence for your landscaping company.

1. Set up Your Company's Website

Your website offers a virtual tour of your business and is the first thing that any prospect checks. And after all, first impressions last forever. Use your website to display your expertise, show off your work via photographs, and share what your customers think about you through client testimonials.

Most importantly, provide a window for your customers to contact you or purchase your services.

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping Company

The other key objective of building a website is building your brand. Branding and marketing your landscaping or lawn-care company well will go a long way in establishing credibility with your customers. Humanize your website by introducing your team and sharing your culture and values.

End of the day your customers are human beings and they do make decisions based on emotions.

2. List yourself on Google My Business & Keep a Check on the Reviews

Google My Business is another great online tool that you should utilize for your lawn care & landscaping business. It allows you to create a free online business profile that lets you claim your business on Google Maps & local search results. A great way to reach your target audience, it brings you straight into their search results. To create an authentic and credible profile, add display pictures of your work, include contact hours, contact information & a link to your website.

You can even customize your profile and add direct links for booking appointments & services. But most importantly, the reviews on Google My Business are what prospective customers really look at.

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping Company

Online reviews have a deep impact on the psyche of potential customers and how they view your services. Ratings give an insight on how your audience views you and whether they would want to do business with you. KPMG’s Global Consumers Report highlighted that 55% of people will search online for reviews and recommendations before making a purchase.

This is why it’s a great idea to be on top of your online reviews. Do take negative feedback in a positive way and even respond to them and engage with the reviewers.

3. Build Your Company’s Facebook & Instagram Pages

With new social media tools coming up every day and people going viral, it’s time for you to reap the benefits as well. Instagram and Facebook are the most popular amongst business landscaping company professionals. Instagram is a great medium to set up a social media presence and build a community. All you have to do is create a business account and share pictures of the beautiful landscapes you create for your customers. Sharing reels (short videos) of before/after projects and activities like trimming and mowing stripes go a long way in increasing engagement.

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping Company

There are numerous benefits of building social media pages for your business - wider audience reach, instant communication with customers via comments, building brand awareness & reputation, staying connected 24X7, sharing your work & expertise, and much more! Think of your social media pages as proof of your work and a detailed demonstration of your services. With videos, animations, illustrations, pictures, presentations - the possibilities are endless!

4. Build Your Company's Linkedin Page

If you are managing commercial properties, then it’s extremely important for you to be present on the most widely used professional networking platform, LinkedIn. According to this report, 97% of B2B marketers used Linkedin for content marketing, which means you can share your expertise on the platform and build a brand image around what you want to be known for, as a landscaping company. Your company’s LinkedIn page will give you an opportunity to directly connect and network with Facility Managers and other professionals in the industry.

This networking can result in building professional relationships and engaging with the right people to even result in lead generation. Apart from that, LinkedIn is extremely useful for hiring. You can share and advertise your open positions.

5. Online Advertising for Your Landscaping Business

As of January 2021, there are 298.8 million internet users in the US. In the aftermath of the pandemic, these numbers have only grown and you need to leverage it further. Lawn care services are no exception. Landscapers of all sizes – local to national are leveraging the power of online ads to find their next customer – be it Google Ads or Facebook. It has become one of the fastest and highly cost-effective means of generating high-quality leads for your business.

There are significant advantages that online ads have over offline marketing methods like door-to-door campaigns. For one, you can reach each and every homeowner in your area of operations, sitting in your office, with much less effort. Secondly, the cost is much lower as compared to the traditional marketing methods – you don’t need to spend money on printing flyers and going door to door. Finally, you can target the exact demography that suits your service – people who are more likely to buy your services.

How to Leverage the Power of Digital for Your Landscaping Company

One of the biggest gains paid ads can bring to you is the capability to sell 24×7. People shop all the time, and not necessarily during your work hours. With online ads, your customers can find you any hour of the day and purchase your services instantly. This is how customer behavior has evolved with the e-commerce revolution, and early adopters are seeing momentous growth.

As a business owner, hundreds of things riddle your mind. But efforts to grow and adding the next $100k or $1 million to your annual revenue should not take a backseat. Growth is always urgent and important. Digital marketing is the way to go and can give you the power to grow exponentially. If you are in an expanding phase in your landscaping business or are taking up/pitching for newer, bigger projects, then online advertising is the most focused & target-specific way to reach prospective clients.