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Attentive OnSite App Update: Improved Takeoff Submission From App & New 'Locate Me' Feature!
Attentive OnSite App Update: Improved Takeoff Submission From App & New 'Locate Me' Feature!
Attentive OnSite App Update: Improved Takeoff Submission From App & New 'Locate Me' Feature!
Be it navigating vast spaces or ensuring every detail is captured accurately, we're excited to introduce two innovative features in the Attentive OnSite App: 'Edit Boundary' for precise takeoff edits and 'Locate Me' for effortless navigation.
🚀 Edit Takeoff Boundaries Before Submission:
Ever wished you could make last-minute adjustments to your takeoff boundaries? 'Edit Before Submission' is here to fulfill that need. This upcoming feature enables you to quickly draw, edit, or delete polygons right before submission, ensuring your takeoff precisely matches the property layout.
Input your property address, use the 'Tools' option to draw or modify lot boundaries, and even cut holes in properties to exclude non-essential areas like warehouses, reducing unnecessary footage area.

After drawing your lot boundary, review and adjust your takeoff details with ease, ensuring precision and control in every submission.
✨ Effortless Site Navigation with 'Locate Me':
Navigating large properties has never been more straightforward. With 'Locate Me,' pinpoint your exact location on any property instantly. This feature allows you to navigate with confidence and add real-time instructions with photos & notes.
Whether you're overseeing a large construction site or managing a vast agricultural property, 'Locate Me' ensures you're always on track.

How It Helps You
'Edit Before Submission' allows for accurate takeoff adjustments while 'Locate Me' guides you to the correct location. Together, they enhance your workflow, making your takeoff process more efficient and effective.
We're confident these new features will significantly improve your property assessments. For any further information or assistance, feel free to contact our customer support team.